My Story.

Hey. My name is Daniel A. Bartelson. I’ve been designing graphics since 2006. Actually a bit earlier, but who’s counting. I would be embarrassed to show you the work from back then, so don’t ask. The work on this website is a bit of my favorites that I’ve done through the years. But def only about an 1/8 of everything. Look around and if you like what you see, hit me up on the old email. If it doesn’t go to spam, I’ll probably email you back.

As far as Church Graphics go, I believe the church should have some of the best design in the world. And I do everything in my power to add to that. I don’t like corny stuff, but then again God can use whatever. If I possess any, 99% of my talent is God given, and so my goal is to use it for the glory of His name [Yahweh]. HGA is the law here. Hopefully we can get the attention of people together, and get them in a good Church, and on their way to heaven with a new hope in Yeshua. Shalom

Along with my beautiful wife & 3 kids, I go to the Potter’s House Christian Center, nestled in the mountains of Ogden, Utah.